St. Stephen

St. Stephen
  • Saint Stephen was a kind and brave Archdeacon known for his great faith and miracles.
  • Some people in the city were jealous and accused him falsely of speaking against their holy place and the laws of Moses.
  • Saint Stephen, filled with the Holy Spirit, defended his faith and reminded them of God’s history with His people.
  • The people became angry and stoned him, but he remained faithful, seeing the glory of God and Jesus in heaven.
  • Saint Stephen forgave his persecutors and prayed for their forgiveness before he died.
  • His story teaches us about the power of faith, standing up for our beliefs, showing love and compassion, and finding comfort in God during difficult times.
  • Let us be inspired by Saint Stephen’s example and strive to be faithful and compassionate in our own lives, loving God and others.
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