St. Bishoy

St. Bishoy
  • Bishoy, the youngest of six children in Egypt, was chosen by God to serve Him as a monk.
  • Despite his physical weakness, Bishoy followed his calling and became a devoted monk in the desert of Shehet.
  • Known for his wisdom, strength, and generosity, Bishoy helped others return to the true faith through his teachings.
  • Bishoy received a promise from God that He would appear to him on the mountain of Shehet.
  • On the appointed day, Bishoy carried an old man who turned out to be Jesus Himself, fulfilling God’s promise.
  • Bishoy passed away with a heart full of joy and love, finally joining Jesus, the one he had always wanted to be with.
  • Lessons Learned: Listening to God’s Call, Kindness and Generosity, Humility, Faith and Trust, Love for Jesus.
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