Pope Kyrillos

Pope Kyrillos
  • Pope Kyrillos the 6th, was the 116th leader of the Coptic Church, was a beloved and kind holy man in Egypt.
  • Born as Azer Ata in 1902, he followed his heart’s calling to become a monk, later becoming the leader of Saint Samuel Monastery.
  • In 1959, he was miraculously chosen as the new pope and patriarch through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
  • Pope Kyrillos helped many people become monks and priests through his good example and caring nature.
  • He had the gift of knowing things others couldn’t and performing miracles, such as healing the sick and casting out evil spirits.
  • Despite his illness, Pope Kyrillos remained devoted to God and wanted to continue worshiping Him through liturgy.
  • He passed away on March 9, 1971, leaving behind a legacy of faith, love, and miracles.
  • Lessons from Pope Kyrillos’ life: Follow Your Heart, Love and Care for Others, Trust in God’s Guidance, Help and Heal Others, Stay Faithful to God.
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