Bishop Abraam

Bishop Abraam
  • Paul Gabriel, born in 1829 in Egypt, showed intelligence &a desire to learn from a young age.
  • His mother’s death at age eight led him to turn to prayers and strengthen his faith.
  • Ordained as a deacon by Bishop Saint Youssab at fifteen, Paul continued to grow in faith and love for God.
  • Joined Saint Virgin Mary Monastery & later became a monk named “Rev. Paul El-Meharraki.”
  • Remarkable qualities: Patience, self-control, love for almsgiving, interest in prayer, leadership, and humility.
  • Faced challenges & left monastery due to jealousy; found guidance at El-Baramous Monastery.
  • Ordained as a bishop for Diocese of Fayoum, where he spread love, compassion, and faith.
  • Known as Saint Abraam, loved by people from all walks of life, including rulers & governors.
  • Showed unshakable faith during a severe illness and fully recovered.
  • He peacefully departed on June 9, 1914, leaving a legacy of love, compassion, & faith.
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